Please help identify my engine


New Member
Dec 30, 2021
Chevy El Camino
Hello everyone I have a 1979 El Camino that had an engine swap at some point in its life from the 98 hp V6 it came with to what seems to be a 350 tuned port injection engine. The casting number I found on the engine was either 9803960 or 9803900 (it was hard to read). All I know about it is that it had the tuned port injection snamped onto the air intake so I am assuming that is what it is but I can’t seem to find a match for my numbers.


Staff member
Dec 21, 2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana
1929 Buick, 1957 Chevrolet
Hi Retro,

Sorry, I have been away due to an illness and noticed that there were no replies to your question about engine identification. If you. have not found anything as yet I will try to help you. If you can give me a bit more information I can do some checking. Where did you find the number you listed as 9803960? Is it on the drivers side behind the head at the transmission bolt mounts?
Does the engine have Long individual runners (Aluminum tubes) from the intake plenum to the main manifold? Can you get to the block casting number on the side of the block? What kind of distributor does it have, is th coil built into the distributor or separate and mounted on the manifold? All of these things will help in the identification of the engine. Is you objective to find what the engine came from or for general info/repairs?


New Member
Mar 14, 2022
32 Ford 3 window
Cannot find any answers to this weird casting on my sbc 350. The only info I have is that it came from wisconsin which could make it canadian. Does anyone have a clue about this casting Number?



Staff member
Dec 21, 2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana
1929 Buick, 1957 Chevrolet
I can't see the casting number. It is blacked out by a shadow or something, but I don't think that is the casting number from what I can see. The only thing I can see is it is a 5.7. Can you give me more information? The number you are looking for on this particular engine is probably on the other side of the engine on the same flange you have the picture of.

For some reason I can't get this to work like I wanted, but go to the HOME page of Mortec and it will give a complete description of where to find the casting numbers and how to read what you have.

Yesterday, I must have picked up something on my computer that is making it lag complete sentences behind and I am unable to proceed as I should for the time being.

I am interested in knowing what you are looking for, whether it is the build location or what?

As a last resort to what you are asking and because of the problems I am currently having I am going to try and past the information.

Chevy V8 Casting Number Locations (Part 1)
We get a number of inquiries regarding casting numbers, engine build dates and engine assembly/suffix codes. Many folks want to know where to look for these Chevy engine casting numbers and codes on blocks and cylinder heads so we decided to put these pages with photos together to help you find them. Most are easy to find once you know where to look. There may be a great deal of grease and crud covering them that will have to be cleaned before you can read them. Also trying to read them while the motor is in a vehicle can also be harder, especially the block casting numbers and casting dates at the rear of the block. Hang in there, if you try, you can use a mirror and a little patience for the hard to see and reach areas. Some folks also use a piece of aluminum foil to make a rubbing of the numbers and dates on the rear ledge of the block. Others have used children's Playdoh to make an impression of the numbers.

Keep in mind that some of the numbers or letters can be difficult to read. A "6" can look like an "8" or an "8" can look like a "3". A upper case letter "I" can look like the numeral "1" and visa versa. Some times part of the number may be missing. A "T" can have the top horizontal part of the letter missing making it look like the upper case letter "I" or a lower case letter "l".

Remember that you have to look at ALL of the numbers, features and parts characteristics to figure out what it is you are looking at. A number of the casting dates refer only to the year of the decade so you will have to see which other features the part has to determine which decade it was made in. Some casting dates do have the year and the decade indicated, making it easier.

We are always looking for new Chevy engine castings numbers. If you have some information you want to share with us and our visitors, send us an email with the data. Right now we are limiting our listings to Chevy V-8 blocks, cranks and heads. As new castings are released on late models keep your eyes open for the new numbers. Thanks!

Casting number and casting date locations

The diagram above shows where each of the casting identifiers is located on the engine. (1) shows the location of the HEAD CASTING NUMBERS and the HEAD CASTING DATE located under the valve covers, in the rocker arm valley. (2) shows the position of the BLOCK CASTING DATE on the rear ledge of the block near the bell housing mounting surface. If you have an early big block or a late model smallblock, the BLOCK CASTING DATE may be on the passenger side of the engine block, (see 2A), instead of the rear ledge of the block. Some smallblock blocks may also have the BLOCK CASTING DATE on the driver's side of the block. (3) indicates the position of the BLOCK CASTING NUMBER. Later blocks may also have the size of the engine displacement in liters listed at (3). (4) indicates the position of the ENGINE ASSEMBLY DATE/SUFFIX CODE and partial VIN code information on the front of the block. (5) on the rear flange of the block, on the drivers side near the oil filter pad, is an alternate block location for some VIN codes. (6) indicates the sides of the block where some blocks may have the size of the motor indicated in cubic inches or in liters. The last three numbers of the block casting number may also be repeated in this location.

Chevy V8 Block Casting Number Locations
There are three block casting number types to look for: the block CASTING NUMBER, the block CASTING DATE and the ENGINE ASSEMBLY DATE/SUFFIX CODE.

Block Casting Number
The block casting number on smallblock and big block Chevy V-8 motors is located on a ledge found at the rear of the block, most often on the driver's side. This ledge is below the deck of the block and the ledge forms the mating surface between the block and the transmission bellhousing. Some of the later model blocks have the casting number on the passenger side of this ledge. The number itself can have 6, 7 or 8 numeral digits. They might look like this "361959" or "3970010" or "14015445". The block casting numbers do not have any letters in them. There are sometimes individual letters found on blocks like "GM" or "CFD" for the Central Foundry Division, but they are not part of the block casting number. Also some of the later blocks have the size of the motor shown in liters. You may see a "5.0" (305) or "5.7" (350) cast on the rear ledge of a smallblock or a "7.4" on the side of a big block 454. On the side of some later blocks the last three digits of the block casting number are cast into the block, but these are difficult to see when the engine is in a vehicle.

Block casting number
Block casting number
Block casting number & casting date
Block size in liters

Block Casting Date
The block casting date indicates when the block itself was cast in the foundry. This date does not indicate when the motor was assembled and then later placed into the vehicle at the factory. The block casting date is usually found on the rear ledge of the block on the passenger side, but some later model blocks have the casting date on the driver's side of the rear ledge. Some of the early big blocks made in the Sixties have the block casting date located on the passenger side of the block near the freeze plug holes. On these, if the early big block is in the car you will have to get under the motor to see the casting date. Do it while the car is on a lift. The casting dates look something like this "E 12 7". The "E" stands for the month of the year with "A" being the month of January, "B" being the month of February and so on thru the letters to December. In this case the "E" stands for the month of May, the fifth month of the year and the fifth letter of the alphabet. The "12" stands for the 12th day of the month. The "7" is the year of the decade. Now unfortunately this could be '57, '67, '77, '87 or '97 depending on which part you are looking at. Some casting dates have both the year of the decade and the decade itself. They look like this "E 12 77", meaning May 12, 1977. The fun starts when you have a casting date from the first nine days of the month that look like this "D 2 6". Does that stand for April 2,1966 or does it stand for April 26th and the year is missing or hard to see? You have to look closely and carefully to be sure.

Block Casting Date
Block Casting Date

Please let me know if this is not what you want and I will do my best to try and help.


Staff member
Dec 21, 2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana
1929 Buick, 1957 Chevrolet
It looks like it pasted but there is a second page if needed that you can access from the HOME page.


New Member
Mar 14, 2022
32 Ford 3 window
Thanks a mil Hurst, I will get the car up on the lift and really go over the engine and look in all of the areas listed above. The shaded out area that your speaking of only says SMC and then a couple of illegible digits. Great info that you sent me. I'll get back with more info. thanks again.


Staff member
Dec 21, 2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana
1929 Buick, 1957 Chevrolet
I am not sure what model year they changed the casting number from the drivers side to passenger side, but when they did they started stamping the engine size in Liters (5.7).
What is it that you are trying to find out?

BTW, please frequent the site more often. Most of the time members find the information (maybe) after their first visit and never come back so it is hard to know if they have what they want or not. We really need contributors to the site and would be glad to have you back. Everyone has something to offer in one way or another.


New Member
Mar 14, 2022
32 Ford 3 window
The car I bought is a fiberglass body 32 Ford 3 window coupe from Madison, Wisconsin. I live on the Texas gulf coast. I'm trying to put as much information together about my car as I can, since there isn't a lot of history on it in the paper work I received, especially the engine. The car is in great shape and was well taken care of.

I'm mainly wanting to know whether the engine is a 4 bolt main block and what heads are on it. I realize that I can find all of this out without needing the the casting number, but the picture of the left rear casting number area, (#3 on the diagram above), intrigues me. The car has a radio/CD player that was made and sold only in Canada, and the car came from Wisconsin, so it's leading me to believe that maybe the block is a Canadian block. Just a hunch.

I appears me and you have a lot in common. I am a avid motorcyclist and have raced motocross for over 50 years. I owned a Yamaha dealership back in the 80's and have retired as a life long machinist. As a matter of fact, I almost went to work back in the 80's as a machinist for Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio but ended up working for Phillips 66 instead.

Thanks again for all your input, and I have found my forum home here at MORTEC. Many other sights pointed me this way, and now I can see why. I will look under the car today and get back later this evening.


Staff member
Dec 21, 2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana
1929 Buick, 1957 Chevrolet
The only true way to tell if it is a 4 bolt main is to pull the oil pan. There is no casting number that will tell. I have seen a many blocks with the same casting numbers that are both 2 and 4 bolt mains. To me, it really isn't worth tearing the engine down to find out.
Back in my day, we all built high performance race engines using 2 bolt main blocks and they work just fine for all practical purposes and they should be fine for up to 500+ HP. As far as being Canadian built, when I was younger, a great percentage of Chevrolet engines were built in Canada. I am not even sure what the concern is there.
Have you looked to see whet the heads are? I agree, we seem to have a good bit in common. I have been a Journeyman Machinist for about 50 years and retired from the Air Force as an Aircraft Machinist.
I wish I could figure a way to get more people on the forum but like I said, once people find what they want they never come back. I hope you do.


New Member
Mar 14, 2022
32 Ford 3 window
Well, after digging, I have a block casting# of 10243880 and heads of 14102193. I can't see the lifters without pulling the intake and may drain my oil and go through the drain plug hole with a scope to see if its 2 or 4 bolt main. From what I've read, I believe its a 2 bolt main with a flat tappets. I think its either a LO5 TBI or a crate engine.


Staff member
Dec 21, 2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana
1929 Buick, 1957 Chevrolet
OK, This gives me a bit more information. I find the casting number you last gave me is
10243880...350...95-00...2 or 4...Vortec truck, Gen.I crate motors and "ZZ4", roller cam, one piece rear seal.
It more than likely is a 4 bolt block but it depends on how far you are willing to go to confirm it and how much of a difference it means to you. At one time, 50 years ago, I might have been tempted to explore further but now, if the engine was out I might do it. Let me know what you decide or find.


New Member
Mar 14, 2022
32 Ford 3 window
Hurst , Your a great help and I really appreciate your input. I'm going to try a bore scope through the drain plug to see if i can see a main cap. I'll update you when i find out...... Mike


New Member
Dec 30, 2021
Chevy El Camino
Hey sorry I had given up checking back in on this forum. My numbers were in the block on the drivers side of the truck at the back of the engine. I am trying to find more information out about this engine as I am presently trying to replace the rear main seal but I have had this car and engine in it for over 10 years and it was my first car in highschool. I am interested to find out more about the engine I have had for all these years since I never looked into it before or needed to do any kind of work to it that needed me to get down to where I could view the numbers easily. It seems to be missing the number plate up by the water pump and those were the only numbers I could find. I will get the rest of the information and post it up later today after I crawl around and look at everything.


New Member
Dec 30, 2021
Chevy El Camino
So the distributor coil is on top of the engine and is the standard HEI setup from GM. Yes it does have long individual runners. It in all ways and from outward appearances seems to be a transplanted engine from something like a Camaro or corvette that had the l98. It’s a standard GM engine of some description and it was a fairly common swap done back then especially with the extremely underpowered v6 my El camino came with.

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